Welcome To DuChene Natural Health Center

If you are in pain and need an appointment click on this link.

I started DNHC to help people, especially those who feel like nobody can help. I have trained in may different techniques and consistently seek new training and education to reinforce this goal and help as many people as I can.I understand that treating the problem can provide immediate relief. I also know that finding the root cause will give even better relief and is a better long term solution.

Our clients choose us because of the care and time that we take with them. I listen to each client that comes in and we provide treatments that are not common in the Dallas area.

DuChene Natural Health Center

8200 Brookriver Dr., Ste. 702
Dallas, TX 75247

Office Hours

Monday: 9-6

Tuesday: 7-6

Wednesday: 9-7

Thursday: 10-6

Friday: 7-5

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed


New Patient Forms

Use the following links to print and fill out our paperwork before coming into the office to decrease any possible wait times.

Download Patient Forms



Chiropractic blog posts

Please visit or blog site at: DuChene Natural Health Center Blog

Patient Direct Icon

Current patients will need our Patient Direct code to place an order. If you have a problem with ordering or finding our code, please call us at (214) 989-6814.

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Current patients may need our doctors code to place an order. If you have a problem with ordering or finding our code, please call us at (214) 989-6814.